Love Your Body
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My favourite Dance It Out Track right now (featuring a lot of thrusting!)

Dancing is definitely high on my list of things I do daily. To relieve stress, to express joy, to connect with my body, and often - to connect with many of you! 

So - I wanted to share one of my favourite tracks from my Dance It Out playlist right now. 

It involves 3 things that I love: 
1) It's an arm strength track (which always makes me feel strong!)
2) It is a Backstreet Boy song (need I say more???)
3) It involves a lot of thrusting (and a whole lot of laughter lol)

It brings me so much joy - I hope it does for you, too!

Want to keep dancing? Check out some of my Dance It Out videos in our On Demand Library.

I hope you enjoy it, friend!

- Courtney xo

(P.S. Ready for more Joyful Movement in your life? My new program Badass Body Confidence and Stress-free Strength is the perfect way to get started! You can join me for live classes like this one and get access to our full On Demand Library!)