It’s something I hear often from clients: You might logically understand that dieting doesn’t work and that you want to learn how to love your body, but you still would like to lose some weight.
Maybe it is for health reasons. Maybe it’s because you blame your weight for aches and pains.
Maybe it is because you just think you would look or feel better.
Is it possible to still pursue weight loss while also using Mindful Eating to discover Food Freedom?
The short answer…. well, it depends.
Weight loss is possible when you adopt a Mindful Eating approach and heal your relationship with food.
But – so is weight gain. Or no change to your weight at all.
Here is the truth: Your body has a set weight range where it feels best. This is based on a combination of genetics, lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and a variety of other factors.
There are things that that impact your set range – that can cause it to be higher or lower…. and one of those things, according to research, is dieting. Dieting and restricting food can cause your set range to increase.
What does this mean?
It means when you stop dieting, you give your body a chance to re-discover it’s ideal set range.
And it also means that part of the process of healing your relationship with food is strongly linked to body acceptance… unpacking your beliefs around bigger bodies and weight loss to feel ready (and comfortable) letting go of control.
Letting go of the intentional pursuit of weight loss.
This is exactly what we are going to be focusing on as one of the principles of Mindful Eating in my upcoming challenge. How to reject the diet mentality and look at your body differently.
This is the hard stuff. The uncomfortable stuff…. but it is also the stuff that makes a HUGE difference. It is the stuff that will give you the kind of relationship you have always dreamed of with your body.
Feeling confident.
Not stressing out about how you look or what other people think of you.
Eating what you want, without food guilt or bingeing.
And – feeling strong, healthy, and nourished.
Click here to find out more about my Food Freedom 14 Day Challenge.